Below is a collection of resources that I find useful for further learning and reference.
Sites relating to Dr Harper
Here you will find documents that I regularly share with other dentists such as consent forms.
Video tips etc
Sharing examples of my photography and my favourite quotes from the books I read.
Dental Resources
A great learning platform with hundreds of video lectures.
A collection of research articles mainly related to modern composite materials.
A general dental forum on Facebook.
Another Facebook forum predominantly related to advanced restorative dentistry.
A forum aimed at connecting dental students and young dentists.
Explanation of the eLAB digital shade taking system.
A great resource providing teaching materials to dentists and schools.
Organisation resources
Information by Caroline Webb, the author of "How to have a good day".
A great resource for helping you to organise your day to day activities and get more done.
Dietary Resources
Public Health Collaboration. Great resource on sugar.
Nutritional expert with advice about all aspects of healthy eating.
World Health Organisation guide to sugar intake.
Dale Pinnock is an author and chef with some very good ideas about nutrition.